Winter is coming on Monday!

Weather forecast as of October 22, 2020

Just wanted to let everyone know that ‘Winter Is Coming’ for real starting next Monday. Lows in the 20’s at night and 40’s for the daytime temperatures Monday-Thursday. If you haven’t  finished harvesting your garden, better get on it because our gardens will be done by Monday night.

Also you should pick any winter squash because although it would be ok in a light frost, it will get ruined with a hard frost like we are going to get.

It’s very iffy if broccoli, cabbage, kale, chard will withstand the cold nites even with row cover. I will pick all of them for sure.

Now where to put everything?!!


6 comments on “Winter is coming on Monday!

  1. Deanna says:

    “Where to put everything?!!” 😆 No kidding! I have been hurrying to harvest and preserve every day for over a week and will barely finish by the time this cold front arrives. I’m filling my large dehydrator every night! Still, I’m so glad I planted fall crops. Can’t complain too much, we’ve had a nice extended season.

    Glad to see you get your weather from KOB4, I’m going to give them a shot. I’ve been using Weather Channel (which predicts overly warm) and Accuweather (which predicts overly cold).


  2. elodie says:

    We need a root cellar! or cold cave…


  3. Cydney says:

    Have I missed the window to plant lettuce? What if covered with plastic?


    • yes I’m afraid so. You can plant more lettuces in early spring but now is too late. I did plant some lettuces in my greenhouse and coldframe and that was pushing it but I had started them inside under lights in beginning of Sept and they were already big so I hope they make it. I will need to cover the lettuces with winter weight row cover this weekend before the cold snap hits.


  4. tonytomeo says:

    You know, winter really gets around. It spends half the year in Australia and such. Then it arrives there. A few months later, it will be on the way here. I hope it does not expect me to pick it up at the train station.


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