Greens started inside Jan 15

The weather outside has been very snowy since Christmas. More snow than I’ve seen in years. Should be a great spring for flowers. But inside I could not wait any longer so I planted some spinach, arugula and lettuce seeds under lights on January 15th. The greens popped up in 2 days and the spinach was right behind them. I guess they are as anxious as I am to get going even though the garden outside has 6 inches of snow on it and no end to winter in sight. But they are not destined for the garden. They will be going in the unheated greenhouse and the cold frame in about 5 weeks just in time for March madness (and I’m not talking basketball guys). And so the theory goes that I will have luscious greens come mid-March. I know it’s early but I looked up the last few times how early I’ve planted lettuce and spinach seeds and it’s always sometime in January. I guess I’ve recovered from the last season and looking forward to next gardening season.

Here we go again!

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7 comments on “Greens started inside Jan 15

  1. Nice – your babies look really good


  2. I am preparing to build tomato cages or trellises for the next season and I’m told that the best thing to use is steel remesh that one can get at Lowes or Home Depot.The rolls come in 150 foot lengths and are 5 feet wide.Will you tell me how big in diameter are your cages?


  3. So sorry, but the link is not appearing in gray or any other color in your post. I hate for you to go to any more trouble but thank you for trying. I clicked on every single word you wrote in both your original response and your response to my reply and I do not see an embedded link. Thank you again anyway.


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