Woo! Hoo! Eldorado can raise chickens following appeals court ruling


Sophia, one of the giantveggiegardener’s ‘girls’ is a beautiful Ameraucana chicken and lays blue green eggs. No chicken little here!

For several years now, some of the Eldorado residents who wanted to raise a few chickens fought with their Homeowner Association (HOA) as to whether they can keep chickens as pets. The HOA said they could not raise them in the Eldorado subdivision just southeast of Santa Fe. The homeowners took the HOA to court at great costs and now the appellate court has ruled in their favor of allowing them to keep chickens.  YEA!! It’s about time that the courts saw the value of keeping chickens even if the HOA does not. Chickens are not noisy, they are friendly, and they lay eggs! What pet gives that for you! A pet with a purpose! Nothing better than fresh eggs! Congrats to all who fought for their right to have chickens! To read the story in The New Mexican, go here.

5 comments on “Woo! Hoo! Eldorado can raise chickens following appeals court ruling

  1. andrea sharon says:

    Actually the Eldorado HOA took the hen owners to court…..BUT after great expense and wasted time and energy, common sense rules….GO HENS!!!


  2. Susan says:

    The idea that chickens are too noisy has always befuddled me. Nothing is more obnoxious than dogs barking all day and night and no HOA would dream of banning them. I think it’s more of a snob issue: If you are raising chickens, you must be too poor and rural to live in our neighborhood. Good for El Dorado! Maybe I’ll retire there. 🙂


  3. Pam Grob says:

    Yeah… agree with the new ruling..Chickens are wonderful!!


  4. andrea sharon says:

    actually it was the Eldorado HOA that sued the hen owners…hen owners appealed and WON!!!! The covenants on this were very ambiguous and based on the term “recognized” household pets…such a waste of time and energy. There was never a single complaint about the hens….just some delusional people who think they live in Las Companas!!


  5. Wendy says:



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